Josh Hamilton is getting a ton of flack from national media types and former players after breaking his arm on a popup that did not get out of the infield. Hamilton himself said: “It was a stupid play. The whole time the ball was in the air, the coach was yelling, ‘Go, there’s no one at home,’ and I was thinking, ‘I don’t want to do this; something is going to happen.’ But I listened to my coach,” referring to third-base coach Dave Anderson. I disagree entirely with this sentiment and I think anyone who has watched the replay of the play and understands the way Josh Hamilton plays gets that this type of hard nosed play, hustle play, and heads up play defines him as a player.
Here’s the play. If you notice, Hamilton is barely tagged out. A high quality running catch was made by the catcher (in full gear) before diving toward home plate to tag Hamilton out. I’m sure that Hamilton, and anyone around baseball would take the chance that the catcher fails to make that play in exchange for an early run. We’re likely applauding his hustle and mental approach to the game if he’s called safe. We would never question his reckless style of play if it meant his team had scored the run. Media members would never jump all over a player for getting injured while trying to score runs for his team…. right? What was Hamilton doing? Trying to score runs for his team. This type of play is what makes the Rangers good- going first to third on a single, stealing bases, pressuring the opposing pitchers, enjoying the game and having fun playing hard. Josh himself when asked if he would change anything about how he played the game said, “How else would I play? You can get hurt by doing anything. Just ask Joel Zumaya with his Guitar Hero.” Ok, he didn’t say that about Zumaya… but the point remains. We can’t crucify a guy for playing hard.
The argument continues that Hamilton should be more careful since he was the AL MVP last year. WHAT??? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? You are going to tell a guy to be careful on the basepaths because he’s really good? You tell a guy to play with less intensity because he’s talented? A guy wins an MVP and should immediately play less intensely or with less fire? NO! We need this type of play in baseball. I love the guys who show they want to win. Enough of this professional, laid back, by the books approach. We need more guys like Pete Rose, Craig Biggio, and Cal Ripken. Dudes who play the game the way its meant to be played. Hard. Intensely. Heads up. I applaud Hamilton’s decision and hope he doesn’t change a thing when he returns.
-Sean Morash