New York Yankee captain Derek Jeter is known to be quite the womanizer and his web of accomplishments reads like a who’s who of girls you would want on a poster. Jeter has made some great career decisions through the years, but the single greatest decision the shortstop has made is the one to stay single. Sure, there will be rumors that maybe he’s gay; just as there are with Oprah or George Clooney. But, Come on! The genetic accomplishment that is Derek Jeter is a total champion when it comes to the one-nighters. A few stories surfaced this week about the Yankee that totally make up for his lack of range, outsized paychecks, and our general jealousy for him as a person. First, I come across this story that says the Jeet gave Jessica Alba herpes. This just can’t be true, but I really don’t care if it is or not. The mere fact that Derek could have given Ms. Alba herpes is awesome. Combine Ms. Alba with Jeter’s other conquests (Minka Kelly,
Adrianna Lima, Vanessa Minnillo, and Rachel Uchitel) we just don’t care if the guy may or may not have a STD.
Second, came the story that, “Derek has girls stay with him at his apartment in New York, and then he gets them a car to take them home the next day. Waiting in his car is a gift basket containing signed Jeter memorabilia, usually a signed baseball,” according to a friend “close” to Jeter.
Lets write this again for emphasis: “Waiting in his car is a gift basket containing signed Jeter memorabilia, usually a signed baseball!!!!!!!!”
How awesome is that! I bet when Jeter first thought of the idea he couldn’t stop smiling. Maybe, just maybe, this is why he’s always so smiley on the field. He knows he can just go to pound town on a girl and then give her a signed baseball and everything will be awesome. If any man besides DJ tried to pull this off, they’d get the ball thrown at them and the girl would cry with shame at the escapades which they had just partaken. Not so with Jeter. Apparently, the captain has been doing this for quite some time and all of his girls kept their mouth shut until the Yankee captain pulled the stunt twice on the same girl. HE FORGOT HE HAD ALREADY DANCED THE MATTRESS JIG WITH THIS GIRL AND GAVE HER THE SAME GIFT TWICE!
Simply put, Derek Jeter is a bonafide bawse.
On the Lowrie-Melancon Trade: I like the trade for the Astros. Finally, they have a general manager in place who understands that the ‘Stros are not a feeder for the rest of the league and is capable of pulling off somewhat fair trades. I think the Astros actually got the best in this deal. Melancon can be good for the Red Sox, but he won’t be nearly as valuable if say Marco Scutaro gets hurt and the Sox are left without a backup infielder worth a flip. Secondly, Lowrie can really play the game and is talented enough to help the Astros win at least 57 games this year.
-Sean Morash