Living the Life of a Baseballer with the Pro Baseball Experience

Have you ever dreamed of what it would feel like to walk up to the plate, hold that ash in your hand and to swing a homer like Mike Trout or the heart pumping adrenaline of standing on the mound, focusing on you and the batter, the crowd fading away, and pitch like Ohtani? Have you wondered what it would be like to be scouted and drafted to a team – watching a stream just like you have actually made it to The Bigs?
Then do we have the perfect opportunity for you! Pro Baseball Experience, run on the Out Of The Park, is a game where you can make a baseball player including looks, position and archetype. With this player you can: experience life as a rookie in a minors team; complete weekly tasks to improve your player; while still in the minors you will be scouted and drafted to a majors team; after a few seasons you’ll be called up by the GM, general managers of you majors team; negotiating contracts; and, keep playing your way to success; and eventually regress into retirement. All the while 4 days a week you can watch your player play live via twitch streams commentated by fellow league members and simulated through OOTP.
During this time, you will be able to engage with our active and bustling forum, and the various discord servers for the league, rookies, community events and your drafted teams. In our league, we have men and women, of all ages, across the globe – US, Canada, spotted throughout Europe and even as far south as Australia.
Each week you can complete set weekly tasks. These tasks all contribute to providing your player with experience and money. The TPE (Total Experience Points) are assignable to different skills each week. Money can be used for seasonal equipment and training (and even purchasing cards for your character but this can be done by many different venues: Contracts, Weekly set tasks, twitter account for your player, creating media (videos, written media or podcasts) or taking up a job in the league. Don’t worry too much about money to start, if you do all the tasks when setting up your player, you are in a great stead for success.
PBE provides so many opportunities to each person involved – from building friendships or being able to play baseball if all our dreams of one day making it just hasn’t happened.
Each season in the PBE replicates a season in the MLB, condensed into 3months, complete with conferences, All-Star games, Play-offs and an off season where players can opt to test free agency and complete spring training.
We would love to have you join us for a great experience and fall in love with baseball in a different way!
Feel free to come, check out and meet the league