One of the best ways to waste time online is by digging around on Baseball-Reference. This series explores the top ten Baseball-Reference...
In the midst of a global pandemic, Major League Baseball continues to look for a way to have a 2020 season. We’ve...
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before America’s suburban sprawl, the “job creators” in certain industries had a problem. Coal...
On Friday, the MLB Network pulled a knife from their sock and stabbed me right in the heart. I was all set...
I was incensed when the Brewers switched leagues in 1998. At the age of 14, I wrote a letter to the editor...
The Brewers aim to take a three-straight trip to the postseason in 2020. Christian Yelich, a right fielder, is making a comeback...
The saga was arduous, lengthy, and uncertain times, but the Mookie Betts Trade eventually happened and Betts and David Price are officially...
Last week, news leaked of outfielder Marcell Ozuna signing with the Atlanta Braves. They agreed to a one-year deal worth $18 million...
After two straight winters of despair, filled with star players languishing unsigned deep into April, teams being straight up dishonest about their...
It's hard to completely ignore the stark contrast between 2018 and 2019, but with the Dodgers having financial flexibility, and many concerns...
The Miami Marlins used almost 50 players, including 17 rookies, to continue building their squad in 2019. Their prospects, a few who...
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, baseball enthusiasts are optimistic that another prolonged stalemate between clubs and free agents will not materialize again this...